Jackpharma started this year with the theme, “Strike for Balance in 2020”. The theme embodies our goal to strike a balance between our hyaluronic acid injection promotions and our new products as we enter new therapeutic areas. We had set our new targets and clearly defined our new target doctors.

“Strike for Balance in 2020”
We are committed in making 2020 a successful and productive year. A memorable activity during our sales conference is when we placed our hand imprints on a white canvass as a symbol of our commitment and solidarity to achieve our goal as a JPI Team.

We are now half-way on our journey for 2020. We are faced with rough seas as we navigate the difficulties bought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. I see the perseverance, passion and commitment from the JPI team in navigating the pandemic and pursue new ways to achieve our goals.
Yes, we are now at the start of a NEW NORMAL. But, our theme, “Strike for Balance in 2020” remains relevant and remains our battle cry. We need to embrace the new ways of promoting to our customers and BALANCE that with the traditional customer visits. We operationalize many electronic platforms, such as WEBINARS and online campaigns and BALANCE this with our traditional face-to-face meetings. We reset our sales targets to make it as realistic as possible as we face the difficulties and limitations brought about by COVID-19.
I really believe that the activities we are doing will give us the results we want and benefit all the members of the JPI Team. We are seeing encouraging results. I thank everyone for their sacrifices and their resiliency to adopt to the NEW normal.

Jackpharma's President, Meny Hernandez